My name is Brandy Ferner, and I am a mother of two, a wife, a blogger, a podcaster, and an author who strives to break down the façade of “perfect” parenting. In addition to writing and fulfilling my kids’ endless snack requests, I spent the past decade working as a doula, childbirth educator, and birth trauma mentor, where I ushered clients through the intense transition into motherhood. I basically watched moms crack open – literally and figuratively. The insight that brought, and my own experience as an independent woman who suddenly traded autonomy for snuggles led me to writing about modern motherhood – sometimes seriously, sometimes (most times) comedically. Writing is my personal form of therapy. And laughter is my medicine. Along with peyote, on the really hard days. I currently live in Southern California and my love language is sleep. I recently wrote a motherhood-inspired novel which will be coming out Spring of 2020!